Prostate Cancer Care Reimagined

Every man is different, and every man’s prostate cancer is different. Thus, treatment must be carefully selected and personalized for each patient. This is exactly what our expert prostate cancer multi-disciplinary team will provide.

We make sure you know the details of your cancer and undergo the right tests. Unlike many programs where there is non-coordinated care between specialties, we work as a true multi-disciplinary team for you.

We leverage when necessary state-of-the-art molecular imaging, genomic tests, clinical trials, and treatments to maximize both cure and quality of life. Many patients can safely and effectively be treated with only 5 treatments of non-invasive highly accurate radiotherapy. We offer both internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy), image-guided radiotherapy with intensity modulated radiotherapy, stereotactic body radiotherapy, and proton beam radiotherapy.

 We strive for cure AND quality of life

Vessel Sparing Radiotherapy

Dr. Spratt was the lead author of the first clinical trial evaluating the effect of “vessel sparing” radiotherapy. This novel treatment technique spares multiple anatomic structures believed to help control erectile function. The results of the first phase II trial were very promising with nearly 90% of men staying sexually active 5-years after initial treatment, nearly double most trials of nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy.

This technique is being tested in an ongoing randomized phase III trial and combining it with a rectal spacer (see below).

Our goal is not simply to provide excellent cure rates. We pride ourselves on using and developing technologies proven to reduce side effects from treatment to maximize a patient’s quality of life. We define success based on both cure and quality of life.